3 Money-Saving Tax Tips for Homeowners

3 Money-Saving Tax Tips for Homeowners

If you have not yet filed your taxes - here are three tips for homeowners that will save money, headaches, and more!


Tip 1: Form 1098. This is the mortgage interest statement that will get you tax breaks due to mortgage interest and property taxes.

Tip 2: Filing an extension. Filing an extension is simple and penalty-free. This gives you 6 extra months to get your taxes in order.

Tip 3: Hire help. If you make under $64,000/year, you likely qualify for free tax prep software from the IRS. Even if you are making over this, a good accountant can save you money by spotting deductions you might not know to look for.


Be sure to keep your eye out for other tax breaks as you do maintenance, upgrades, or renovations on your home throughout the year, too!


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