Michigan father upset over principal's porn comment about daughter's costume

High school student's father says principal taught his daughter about porn

UTICA, Mich. – A 10th-grade student wore a costume to school on Halloween that caused the school principal to describe her as looking like a "porn star."

WDIV reports Steve Werner, the student's father, said he is upset because his daughter returned home from school with a lesson about pornography. He says his daughter was sent to the school principal's office because of her pirate girl costume and that the principal told her what a porn star does, which he says is inappropriate.

"The teacher should just come out and say, 'Hey, I made a mistake. I used a bad choice of words,'" Werner told WDIV.

In fact, he's so upset with the principal that he bought a trailer and plastered a message on the side of it which reads, "Mrs. Jones taught my daughter about porn." He drives it all around town.

School leaders did not send the girl home. They made her cover up the bows on her stockings.

A school district spokesman released the following message:

"The principal has the obligation to ensure a positive learning environment. The conversation between the student, principal and counselor was in the context of addressing the disruption to the learning environment, the attire and concern for the student."

The principal has support from students that put up a banner in a school hallway which reads, "Team Jones." Werner said he and his daughter now are being bashed on Facebook.

"We've gotten threats (such as) burn my trailer, tear the tires off my trailer, damage the house," he said.

Regardless, the father says his message on the trailer is not going away any time soon.

"She wasn't planning on going into porn and the school don't teach it, and they should keep it out of the school," he said.

The school district said the principal has not received any type of discipline. Werner said all he wants is an apology.

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