10 ways to instantly feel positive

Mark McEwen hosts 'Positive Mark' on Local 6

Local 6's Mark McEwen shares 10 ways to help you feel better.

10. Make a List

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It's extremely easy to become overwhelmed by the numerous tasks that you have to complete in ONLY 24 hours every day! Including necessities like sleeping, eating, etc ... *screams*. Making lists not only helps you organize your thoughts, but they're a great way to increase your creativity. One study showed that 15 minutes spent planning could save an hour of execution time! By prioritizing and organizing, you could instantly boost your mood.

9. Sit Up Straight

Sitting up straight and having good posture is a sign of power and makes a difference in your attitude. A study by researchers from Columbia and Harvard universities showed that body language symbolizing power can actually affect our decision-making, subconsciously. The researchers measured the appetite for risk of participants in either expansive, powerful poses, or contracted poses (occupying minimal space, keeping limbs close to the body). Those in the powerful poses not only felt more powerful and in control, but were 45 percent more likely to take a risky bet.

8. Make Something You're Proud Of

Work can become tedious sometimes, especially when you do the same thing every day. Take on a task (with permission) that allows you to challenge yourself, show off your skills, and see a result that you'll be proud of.

7. Clean Your Desk/The Area You're In The Most

It's simple, clutter leads to chaos. When you're in an area that's messy, your mind can easily follow suit. By cleaning the space you're in the most you provide yourself with a clean slate. For example, by cleaning your desk at work, you give yourself a clean and fresh slate to take on what you need to accomplish. Isn't that a great way to start your day?

6. Eat a healthy, your favorite snack!

On those days when you just aren't feeling it so much, treat yourself to a healthy snack to feel encouraged by your great decision making, or you can indulge in your favorite snack -- as long as you aren't overindulging!

5. Laugh at yourself

Don't take yourself so serious! Being able to laugh at yourself and whatever situation you're going through teaches you that even though you thought other people noticed your mistakes, you're the only one who really stresses over them. Laughing at yourself can quickly lighten your mood and make your day better.

4. Take a walk outside

The Happiness Advantage's, Shawn Anchor recommends spending time in the fresh air to improve your happiness! Making time to go outside on a nice day also delivers a huge advantage; one study found that spending 20 minutes outside in good weather not only boosts mood, but can broaden thinking and improve working memory.  Plus, there's nothing wrong with stepping away from that paperwork you've been blankly staring at for the past hour! You'll come back with a clear mind and ready to tackle any task!

3. Breathe In and Out

Clear your mind and just focus on breathing. Let those annoying thoughts disappear and just enjoy your moment! Take as long as you want! When you're finished, you'll feel refreshed and ready to get back to life!

2. Turn on the tunes!

Several studies have found that listening to music can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress and boost mood. Grab your mp3 player and load it with your favorite songs! As long as you don't blast it ( That's bad for your hearing!), this is a safe, healthy way to make your day more enjoyable.

1. Google "Funny Animals"

I mean, seriously! How could this not make you feel positive about your day?  Instant laughter is key!

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