Could necklace be secret to weight loss?

Technology company develops smart necklace that tracks food intake

If you've ever been on a diet you know how hard it can be to count calories and track your food intake.  Now a technology company has built a piece of jewelry that does it all for you.

CBS News reports WearSens is a smart necklace that tracks what food you put down your throat and sends alerts if you have eaten too much.

The necklace or "diet choker" has piezoelectric sensors that measure food and drink intake, how long it takes you to eat, and how long you wait between meals.  These sensors work off the vibration in the neck when you chew food and swallow drinks.

The data is transferred through an app where you enter your basic information and weight loss goals. The necklace also finds trends in your habits over a period of time.

When tested by a group of thirty people IEEE Sensors Journal found WearSens to be 90 percent accurate.


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