5 things you can do right now to protect your online data

In honor of National Data Privacy Day, we compiled a helpful list of things you can do to protect your online data. 

While this may sound like something that is inconsequential, you'd be surprised how many hackers there are trying to steal your personal information so they have access to your bank records and other important things. 


1.) Change your passwords often

Of all the ways you can keep your information safe, changing your password every 90 days or so can be the most tedious, but also the most effective way of keeping your information private. Try to be as creative as creaive as possible, too, like adding random number sequences and symbols. And we're talking all of the passwords, from your social media accounts to your phone password. 


2.) Back up ALL of your data on a hard drive

Having software that backs up your data in general is a good thing to do, but it can be very important in keeping your data safe, too. There is a thing called Ransomware where hackers can hold your data hostage for a ransom. Imagine having to pay tons of money just to get your data back when it could have easily been avoided if you had backed everything up on the Cloud. 


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3.) Keep your bluetooth on your phone turned off

According to Norton, hackers can enter your phone through undetected Bluetooth pairing. It's recommended to keep Bluetooth turned off when you're not using it just so the data on your phone is less vulnerable. 


4.) Update the operating system on your phone or computer

All you have to do is click a button and your phone or computer will automatically update with the newest version of iOS or whatever operating system you use, yet somehow people love putting off the task, this writer included. While the task seems meaningless, it can actually help your devices fight off attacks from hackers. Lots of the updates your phone wants you to do include security updates, so it's a very simple way you can stay protected. 


5.) Be careful of public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is probably the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it can also be a very vulnerable place for your data, depending on what kind of public Wi-Fi you're signed on to. Norton says that if you are using Wi-Fi that is not encrypted, then you are at a higher risk of someone monitoring your online activity. If you have a firewall or something like that then you will be safe. 


About the Author

Jack is a Digital Content Editor with a degree in creative writing and French from Western Michigan University. He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows.

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