The 5 do's and don'ts to help Florida's water supply

Experts offer easy conservation tips

Sometimes little things can really make a big difference and that is especially true when it comes to what you can do to help conserve water and prevent pollutants from spilling into our area rivers, lakes and streams.

News 6 checked with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as well as Seminole County’s Public Works Department and Environmental Services Department.

They suggest these easy but effective ways to conserve water and save waterways from oversaturation and keep algae blooms and fish kills from happening.

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What you should do:

1. Do use low flow shower heads and faucets to reduce your water usage significantly
2. Do check faucets, pipes, and sprinkler connections for leaks 
3. Do mow grass clippings back on your yard, not into the street
4. Do wash vehicles in the grass, not on the pavement
5. Do add mulch to your landscaping to reduce evaporation

What you shouldn't do

1. Don’t use fertilizer containing nitrogen or phosphorus between June 1 and Sept. 30 
2. Don’t water your lawns or irrigate during the rainy season
3. Don’t fertilize before a heavy rainstorm
4. Don’t use fertilizer within 15 feet of any pond, lake, stream, canal or other body of water, including wetlands.
5. Don’t use your dishwasher or washing machine during heavy downpours or when not completely full


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