T. rex of honor? Sister shows up to wedding in dinosaur costume

'I regret nothing,' Christina Meador says in Facebook post

A crazy wedding photo goes viral.

Dinosaur of honor?

In a viral photo posted to Facebook, a bride and groom are seen exchanging vows while the maid of honor stands nearby -- in an inflatable T. rex costume.

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The bride apparently told her sister, the maid of honor, that she could wear whatever she wanted to the wedding, so Christina Meador took it to the next level.

"When you're maid of honor and told you can wear anything you choose...I regret nothing," Meador posted.

As of Thursday morning, the photo had been shared more than 38,000 times since it was posted in August.

Hopefully the couple's marriage is as epic as their wedding photo.

When you're maid of honor and told you can wear anything you choose...I regret nothing 🤪

Posted by Christina A. Meador on Saturday, August 10, 2019

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