FHP cracking down on aggressive drivers

Troopers say it's not always semi truck's fault in accidents

Florida Highway Patrol is targeting aggressive drivers in a statewide campaign in response a string of commercial vehicle and semi truck crashes.

In 2010 there were more than 14,000 accidents involving commercial vehicles, 237 of those ended in fatalities.

Troopers said it's not always the truck driver's fault.

Many accidents happen because of a sudden move from an aggressive driver, according to troopers.

Large semitrucks also have a lot of blind spots and drivers say if you can't see their mirrors, they can't see you.

FHP is teaming up with the Florida Truckers Association who say drivers often don't know the impact their actions can have on large commercial vehicles.

The campaign will also work to educate teenagers on learning how to share the road with commercial vehicles.

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