Couple arrested after domestic violence call, fight with cops

BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. – Deputies arrested Skylar Francis and Courtney Johnson on Tuesday after a domestic violence call in the morning on Pineapple Avenue.

"They have parties occasionally, but they haven't really been here that long. It's a very quite community," said neighbor Dwight Seigler.

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Investigators said deputies were trying to break up an argument between the two when Francis broke away and began hitting Deputy Michael Hriciso in the back of the head with a collapsible baton.

Deputy Marie Skinner jumped into action to help her partner. Both deputies managed to subdue the couple and call for backup.

"They do what they have to do. It's a job and they expect to go home to their families at the end of the day like anybody else would," Seiger said.

But this isn't the first time Francis has had a run in with the law. He was arrested in Orange County on a charge of resisting without violence in 2011.

The deputies are doing OK, according to authorities.

Francis is being held with no bond. Johnson is charged with resisting arrest and is being held on $500 bond.

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