News 6 gets results after parents complain about unsafe bus stop

Bus stop moved across street after student nearly run over by car

ORLANDO, Fla. – A battle over unsafe bus stops is coming to a close, after a video sent to News 6 showed a student nearly run over by a car.

The change is simple, moving a student bus stop across the street. But for Angii Rosa, it's been nearly three years of close calls.

"The other day when I contacted News 6 that's when, that's when they got really close to my daughter and I was just fed up," said Rosa.

Just 24 hours after the video aired, Orlando police were out on the corner, writing tickets for drivers running through the stop sign.

In the last month, Chain of Lakes Middle School has moved the bus stop that used to sit on the corner of Metro Park Circle, to Old Park Lane across the street. Rosa said in that short amount of time, she's already seen a dramatic change.

"I've contacted the police, I've contacted the school, but I was able to finally get results with you," said Rosa.

Orlando Police said they have known about the area for a while, and have had traffic officers monitoring and enforcing the law. But ultimately Orange County Public Schools said it considers a number of safety criteria when locating a bus stop, issuing this statement:

"On occasion, the district receives input from a parent or community member with additional information that we take into advisement which can result in making adjustments to stop locations when merited."

The advice for any parent trying to deliver input to authorities is to call OCPS Transportation Call Center at 407-317-3807.

Police said anyone who catches drivers passing school buses illegally should call the Orlando Police Traffic Hotline at 407-246-2906.

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