Psychic-led team 'blind driving' Central Fla. to find missing girl

Orlando mystery 'eerily similar' to Portugal missing girl case, attorney says

ORLANDO, Fla. – A psychic detective and her team are "blind driving" around Central Florida searching for missing Caylee Anthony.

"We will not even look at street names," psychic detective Gale St. John said. "We drive and go completely on feeling instinct, chasing down what we call a person signature."

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St. John and her team arrived in Central Florida and immediately began using specially trained cadaver dogs to check areas on foot over the weekend near Lee Vista Road.

St. John, who is part of a group that calls themselves the "Body Hunters," has been on "Larry King Live," Court TV and the Discovery Channel after helping authorities recover missing children and finding at least one body.

She said she has not received a feeling on Caylee's location but claims it is still early in her searching process.

The team will be driving around the region on Monday. Another psychic will be helping in the search as well, Local 6 reported.

Air Tested

Meanwhile, Local 6 has learned that a lab affiliated with the University of Tennessee may be using a new type of technology to test air samples taken from the car of Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony.

Cadaver dogs led detectives to believe there were signs of decomposition in the trunk of Casey Anthony's vehicle and hit on two spots in the child's grandparents home early in the search for the missing girl.

The lab apparently testing the air samples, called The Body Farm, is run by the school's anthropology department.

A researcher at The Body Farm has developed an artificial nose of sorts that can sniff out evidence of human decomposition and decay.

It works by recognizing compounds found in the air where decomposition occurs.

Detectives won't confirm where the samples were transported to, but they said the air samples are being tested for decomposition.

Another Visit Rejected

Also over the weekend, Casey Anthony turned down another Orange County jail visit from her parents.

Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy, said she was not sure why Casey canceled a visit.

"I'd like to see her but if she doesn't want to see us, that is her prerogative," Cindy Anthony said. "I'm sure she had her reasons. You always want to see your child but then again, I'm sure she had her reasons."

Portugal Case 'Eerily Similar'

An attorney for Casey Anthony is now drawing parallels between her disappearance and that of a missing girl in Portugal as the family continues to be overwhelmed with gifts from strangers.

Madeleine McCann vanished from an apartment in the resort of Praia Da Luz, on the Algarve in May of last year and until recently her parents were considered suspects in the case.

In June, Portuguese authorities closed the probe into the disappearance of the young British girl and lifted the "suspect" label from her parents due to a lack of evidence.

Caylee Anthony vanished in Orlando about two months ago and her mother has been considered a person of interest in the case by investigators.

On Saturday, the attorney of Casey Anthony, Jose Baez, said the cases are similar.

"It is eerily similar," Baez said. "Fortunately for them, they had the money to be able to prove all of these things incorrect. This family is not made that way."

Family Showered With Gifts

George and Cindy Anthony, were overwhelmed with gifts over the weekend from people throughout the nation for the child's third birthday.

"This is a tough day for us today," Caylee's grandfather George Anthony said. "And if you guys have children or you are grandparents, you are going to understand (that) these days like this don't come around very often and when they do, they mean more than anything."

Families traveled to the Anthony home to deliver birthday gifts.

"It is important for them to have that hope," neighbor Samantha Gaglioti said. "That wherever she is, that she is being treated well and having someone saying happy birthday to her."

"I can't imagine what this family is going through," resident Lisa Smith said. "We met them at the vigil and my heart goes out to all of them."

George Anthony held a picture and T-shirt sent from a family in New York.

"It is people like this that give us the strength to keep going," George Anthony said. "And I'd like to say, Mrs. Schultz, if you are watching this or your family or anyone else out there who is sending us things, know that we are getting them and I appreciate these more than you can imagine."

A volunteer said she has neglected her family to find Caylee.

"It has been a lot," family friend Holly Gagne said. "I haven't made a home-cooked meal in three weeks. I haven't put my kids to bed. Right now, they understand this is where we need to be."

Case Makes International Headlines

Local 6's exclusive interview with Zenaida Gonzalez is now making international headlines in newspapers in Europe and South America.

Local 6 spoke with the only Zenaida Gonzalez to visit the Sawgrass Apartments where Casey Anthony said she left Caylee with a woman by the same name.

'Safe House' Considered

Baez also launched a new appeal to spring Casey Anthony out of jail.

However, with talks of threats against the family if Casey Anthony leaves jail, Cindy Anthony has considered the use of a safe house.

"Right here, I don't think is the ideal place for her not because we don't want her in the house and everything but we may have to hole her up somewhere in a safe house," Cindy Anthony said.

A national search for Caylee continues.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this developing story.

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