Dreading spring cleaning? These 6 tips will help you get the job done

How to declutter, deep clean and have fun while doing it

ORLANDO, Fla. – March rolls around and with it comes the sometimes daunting task of spring cleaning. 

It doesn't have to be something you dread, though. It's all in the way you approach it.

With the following tips, you may actually consider the whole "spring cleaning" thing somewhat enjoyable. 

Use them this weekend and let us know if that's a stretch. They should, at least, make it easier.

1. Plan it out

Make a list of everything you need to clean, broken down by room. Then, set a certain amount of time for yourself to complete the task. Following that schedule will help you stay motivated as you work to beat the clock. It'll also help you feel less intimidated by how long you think cleaning will take, since you'll have an estimate. If you need a checklist, find a printable one online, like this one from Sylvane.com, and follow it, crossing each task off as you go. If you need inspiration, try looking up cleaning tips on Pinterest or binge-watching "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo." 

2. Declutter, then deep clean

Yes, everything in your house could probably use a good scrubbing, but I can promise it will be a lot easier to disinfect the place once you declutter it. With that being said, start by just throwing out things you know you don't need. If you're more of the hoarder type, and tend to have difficulties parting with things because you fear you may need them later, go back to our girl Marie Kondo again. Doesn't spark joy? Get rid of it. Check expiration dates in the refrigerator or think about the last time you actually used that scent of perfume or old makeup. Once you've eliminated all the extra items you've had just laying around, you'll have more room to get down and dirty. It'll also make it easier to get in to those hard-to-reach places.

3. Buy organizing products

Once you've decided what to get rid of, you'll also need to figure out how to neatly keep what you plan to hold on to. Buying some shelves, drawer dividers or other organizing products can help with that. If you're crafty, try looking up some do-it-yourself ideas on Pinterest and making your own organizers. Having organizers in place will help keep you accountable when it comes to storing items in those places once your cleaning day is done. These will be especially helpful in your junk drawer. Admit it, everyone has one. But if you use containers to divide the drawer by the purpose and function of the items you have in it, you'll likely be more intentional with what you decide to keep. A label maker can also change your life.

4. Make piles

Keeping with the idea of separating things will be key when it comes to cleaning. Do you ever look at how much you have to tackle and feel too overwhelmed to know where to start? Making piles will help with that. That pile of clothes in the corner of your closet that you haven't touched in months? Go through it. With each article of clothing, decide whether you want to put it away for the season, donate it, sell it online or to a consignment shop or just throw it away once and for all.

Make that same decision in each room -- and don't skip the garage!

5. Sell items

If you feel guilty over giving things away or throwing them out because you didn't get as much use out of it as you intended to, consider selling them. That gives someone else the chance to get use out of them and you get some of your money back so it wasn't a complete loss.

Consider using the following apps and websites to sell your items:

You can also try making an Instagram account to post items to for others to bid on, or just posting on your personal Facebook page.

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Of course, always remember to meet in a public and populated place when meeting with a potential buyer. Check with your local law enforcement agency, as many police departments and sheriff's offices offer a safe meet-up spot for people who arrange to buy or sell products online.

Let the money you could potentially make from selling your items be your motivation to go through them.

6. Make it fun

Cleaning doesn't have to be a chore. Enlist the help of your children or friends -- that is, if you're willing to go over and help clean when they want to turn their apartment upside down -- make a fun playlist and turn up the jams. Having good music and better company can make time pass quickly. Oh, and use your phone to play the music so you keep it out of your hands and are less likely to get distracted by it. If you need more motivation, promise yourself a reward once the job is done and work hard until you get there.

Happy cleaning, friends. 

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