Holy snake! Giant python spotted swimming a mile off Florida coast

Biologists use net to catch 31-pound snake

Giant Burmese python found swimming mile off Florida coast.

BISCAYNE BAY, Fla. – Holy snake!

An 11-foot, 31-pound Burmese python was captured last week after it was spotted slithering about a mile off the coast of Biscayne Bay.

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Biologists used a net to catch the large snake.

Park officials posted a video of the snake on Facebook and encouraged people to report pythons to wildlife officials.

A Burmese Python Swimming in Biscayne Bay

The Burmese Python can be found throughout South Florida, and Biscayne National Park is no exception. While these snakes are relatively uncommon here in Biscayne, we do remain vigilant so we can respond and remove this invasive species when we see them. You can do your part to #KeepBiscayneBeautiful by reporting sightings of pythons and other invasive critters to park staff.

Posted by Biscayne National Park on Wednesday, September 25, 2019

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