Shark circles woman swimming off Florida beach in viral video

Man films encounter from 28th floor

(Credit: Stan Battles)

This viral video is like a scene from “Jaws.” 

A woman can be seen unknowingly swimming near a shark in the waters off Panama City Beach on Wednesday, according to

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The woman floats and kicks her way around the clear water in the Gulf of Mexico, while a man in his 28th-floor hotel room records a dark creature circling her. It’s a shark. 

She has no idea what’s going on around her, but those with a bird's-eye view did. 

Stan Battles, the man who witnessed the scary scene from his balcony and filmed the encounter, told the News Herald he spent several hours that morning watching the shark swim through nearby murky water until the woman swam by. 

“The woman swims directly over this thing,” Battles said. “Directly over it.”

Toward the end of the video you can hear people on the shore screaming "shark," trying to alert the woman to what was lurking far too close to her in the water. 

Finally hearing what people had been screaming, the woman then heads quickly back to shore. 

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