Duo pretended to be delivery people, tied up woman in home invasion, cops say

Orange County deputies apprehend 2 after victim's brother confronts duo

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. – Only Local 6 spoke to a 24-year-old woman just hours after she was held at gunpoint inside her own home.

"I was praying the whole time," Belgie Tapia said. "I'm thankful to God that my daughter's safe."

Tapia said she heard a knock at the door and when she looked out the window she saw what she thought was a UPS driver delivering a package. She said she saw a man with a UPS hat and shirt on.

"I proceeded to open the door and that's when he put the gun to my face and told me to lay down on the ground," Tapia said.

Deputies said that man was 23-year-old Travis Brown. An accomplice, 24-year-old Kayla Oharrow, followed him inside.

"They proceeded to put the gun to my head and threaten me," Tapia said. "If I didn't find them anything of value they were going to shoot me."

It all happened while her 2-year-old daughter was crying in the next room.

But what the thieves didn't know is that her older brother, Jose, had seen them breaking in on their home security system. Tapia told Local 6 he called 911, which spooked the pair into running out of the house.

Deputies said Jose chased after the suspects and used a shotgun to fire at them.

Deputies said they are trying to determine if the home invasion was targeted or random. Brown and Oharrow face felony home invasion charges.

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