Food pantry helps keep kitchens stocked as families struggle with economic effects of coronavirus

Virtual pantry connects community, allows people to help others

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. – With more and more families seeking financial assistance amid the coronavirus pandemic, a local food pantry is starting to run low, and as a way to help keep their shelves stocked. The Sharing Center in Seminole County launched a virtual pantry drive, an online shopping option for community members who want to lend a helping hand.

“This week during, the pandemic of coronavirus, and in the unforeseeable future, our pantry program is going to be the busiest department,” Nina Yon, president and CEO of The Sharing Center said. “We created this fundraiser so all the people that have been calling our center ‘how can we help your agency while you continue to provide emergency food and assistance?’”

So, while people across central Florida comply with the statewide stay at home order, they can still do their part.

“Your one dollar donation can allow us to purchase about 30 dollars worth of healthy proteins, like chicken breast, hamburger meat, and other proteins,” Yon said.

Located on The Sharing Center’s website is the link to access the virtual pantry where there are items like canned vegetables and fruit, milk, pasta, eggs, potatoes, pasta sauce, paper towels and dish soap for purchase.

“Whether it’s for cleaning supplies or your basic necessities like your chicken or your hamburger meat or your shelf staples because all of that takes funding,” Yon said. “We cannot continue to serve the amount of families we’re serving on a daily basis without really the community rallying together.”

The virtual pantry drive runs through Tuesday, May 5th. The link to the virtual pantry can be found here.

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