Ask Trooper Steve: Can motorcyclists split lanes?

News 6 traffic safety expert answers viewer questions

Traffic can be interesting, to say the least, in Central Florida.

But can the type of vehicle that you are driving allow you to skip over certain traffic laws?

Simply put, absolutely not.

All drivers, no matter what vehicle you are driving, are required to follow all the rules of the road.  

Cindy, of Orlando, asked News 6's Trooper Steve, "Is it legal for motorcyclist to split lanes down the interstate?"

"Splitting lanes is a term commonly used when referring to motorcyclists driving between two cars on the highway," Steve Montiero said. "In other states across the country, this is seen when traffic is moving below the posted speed limit. In those states, motorcyclist are allowed to drive in between vehicles in order for them to maintain speed. This is not allowed in Florida."

Florida motorcyclist are required to follow the exact same rules as other cars and are not exempt from waiting in traffic.

"This is not to inconvenience a motorcyclist, but more for their safety," Montiero said. "Can you imagine driving down the interstate on your motorcycle and decide to split lanes and a driver, who does not see you, makes the choice to change lanes? Now, you’re involved in a serious life-threatening crash."

No matter if you’re on two wheels or four wheels, maintaining the flow of traffic is key, but splitting lanes is not permitted.


About the Authors

Steven Montiero, better known as “Trooper Steve," joined the News 6 morning team as its Traffic Safety Expert in October 2017. A Central Florida native and decorated combat veteran, Montiero comes to the station following an eight-year assignment with the Florida Highway Patrol.

Daniel started with WKMG-TV in 2000 and became the digital content manager in 2009. When he's not working on, Daniel likes to head to the beach or find a sporting event nearby.

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