Orange County families make final preparations before returning to campus

Students return to campus Friday

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. – Families were making last-minute back-to-school preparations the day before the start of Orange County Public Schools face-to-face learning.

OCPS parent Monica Brown has four children enrolled in school the district. She said preparing for this school year has looked different than previous years due to COVID-19.

She said her fourth grader's teacher has told him about the opening procedures and that they're staggering start times at his elementary school.

Less than half of Orange County students will return for in-person learning, the rest will continue their education through virtual learning options.

Brown said Thursday has been a day of getting prepared.

"We lined up the carpool, so we know who's riding with who, tomorrow morning," said Brown.

Brown said the back-to-school shopping this year has also looked different.

“Normally we would’ve been at one of the major stores, with a shopping cart full of school supplies, and back to school clothes,” said Brown. But with all the uncertainty, they scaled back in terms of supplies and new clothes.

The OCPS COVID-19 Health and Safety Manual listed some of the safety measures students and staff can expect for the new school year.

The manual said all students and staff will be required to wear a face mask, they will be practicing physical distancing, signage will be posted throughout the school promoting protective measures, and directional reminders will be on the floor.

The district said they will also be promoting regular hand washing and sanitizing.

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